As far as husbands go, I think I hit the jackpot. Of course, that's my COMPLETELY biased opinion; but it's hard to deny that he is pretty awesome. When we first started "dating" I would actually get upset at the fact that he was good at everything. On more than one occasion I thought, is there anything he can't do? Now that we're married, I still get annoyed from time to time at his many skills, but I can also use some of these to my advantage ; )
For example: One day Chad will be able to build me my dream house.
From scratch!! Exactly the way we ( I ) want it.
From scratch!! Exactly the way we ( I ) want it.
That alone is reason enough to keep him around.
I've been able to visualize the rooms that I really want, no, need, in my house. There's the basic ones that have to be fabulous:
- THE KITCHEN: with many built in shelves, cupboards, gas burners, island, custom countertops, mosaic backsplash (maybe), and the best name a few of the essentials. And I want everything to be be multi functional. I want one countertop that is a huge cutting board...or something like that.
- THE BATHROOM: it doesn't have to be big. Just as long it has a great shower head (maybe even the rain type that is on the ceiling) an amazing tub something like this (found this on the internet somewhere):

(sorry got a little carried away with the bathtub pictures)
I guess those are the basic rooms that most people would have in their homes (pretty standard, kitchen and bathroom) but then I would need some additional rooms:
- My Craft Room: I've got so many craft things. It's a little insane. I've been carrying them around in this little cart thing:
But I need a craft room. Yes, a room dedicated solely to my craft needs. Something along the lines of this:
AND i found this brilliant idea of hanging screw top jars from a shelf for storage.

(I wouldn't be storing teas, although the way this person has it set up is cute...if you like that sort of thing).
- Glass blowing room: YEs, aside from the craft room, I need a glass blowing room, ok, my talented chad could somehow fashion a room that has another section for glass blowing, with a hood for ventilation and somewhat a garage/workshop feel. Actually, that would be a great idea. A room that is somehow sectioned for my all my craft needs.
- a Dark Room: I've always wanted a dark room. I know we're in the age of digital, but I'll have a dark room for my 35mm and for the digital printing.
My dream house is going to be FABULOUS. I know it will be years till this will be done, but when it is i doubt i'll ever step outside again.
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